So, the Mommy and Me group wants a Mommy only event which means Dad gets to stay home alone with the baby. We’re still negotiating that one as Dad is not quite so comfortable being left completely alone with baby. It is interesting that everyone automatically assumes that Moms are just fine being alone with babies and somehow some Dads are treated like second cousins when it comes to this arena. Okay, I’ll admit there is probably a little fear that they won’t do it exactly the way Mom does it and does that really matter? If Dads take care of baby for an evening and Mom comes home to find a happy and content little guy playing with Dad then what does it matter if things are done differently?
Does anyone remember the Cosby Show where the Dad served breakfast to his children when Mom was away and breakfast consisted of chocolate cake? Dad’s reasoning was that chocolate cake contained eggs and milk and all of the other good things the children could eat. It was funny to see on TV and I don’t think it’s a huge worry for children under the age of two.
There is a flip side to this which is that I personally enjoy my husband’s company and given our busy work schedules I actually prefer to spend time as a family as often as possible. It may seem strange but I am not someone who currently needs alone time at night or on the weekends because I have so much of it during the day while at work. Perhaps this is the quandary of parents with children in Daycare and perhaps it is my personality as an older Mom.
I would like to try this Mom’s night out experience at least once so I think it’s time to help Dad by setting up a play date with another local Dad and baby so Mom can enjoy a girl’s night out.
Spend some time this week looking at how you are doing with your own personal time. Do you need to negotiate with someone to take care of your child so you can enjoy some alone time?