Worrier or Warrior - Which One Are You?

Worrier or Warrior - Which One Are You?
Sometimes being a food allergy family with a long list can be exciting and gross. These are the moments the Warrior comes out and the Worrier must be put aside. The kids were eating dinner and I was closing down my email and had my back to the table for a moment. Alex was making a plate for himself in the kitchen. Then I heard that horrible and dreaded sound and jumped in surprise. To hear Alex tell it, I jumped to the ceiling. There was Ethan losing his dinner all over the table and floor and then also for the first time, landed the mess on top of his sister’s dinner. She ran away from the table a little grossed out and I don’t blame her. He ran to the bathroom and continued to lose what was left in his belly. We cleaned everything up and served a clean round of food and life went back to normal while we kept a careful watch on our son for the rest of the night. Always a crapshoot as even safe foods sometimes change their parts per million ingredients for everything they are “free” of. The speedy recovery is what tells us it was anaphylaxis and not a stomach bug. No time to get worried about being grossed out in our house. Just go into warrior mode and clean things up and move forward, one foot in front of the other. Warrior mode is calm in the midst of fear. Worrier mode is anxious and not calm. I prefer Warrior mode.

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